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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Can we tell how people lived by studying artifacts?

          I think that we can tell by studying artifacts like weapons, tools and paintings on stones and caves on how people lived long ago. You would be able to know how they got their food, what they ate, what they believed and how they behaved. I also think you would be able to tell how intelligent he/she is and when they lived(around what year). You might also be able to tell whether or not they lived in large groups, small groups or alone and whether or not there were any other early humans that they have met.
          I think if you studied the weapons you could figure out how they were used and then you could also predict what they were used for. Weapons were probably used for hunting, if you figured out how they used the weapons then you would have an idea about what kind of animals they hunted back then. Then you would know what foods they ate long ago. With the tools that you found you would most likely be able to tell what they were used for, eating, skinning, cutting, cooking...
         By studying the painting is the caves and on the rocks you will be able to tell what these people believed in, how intelligent they are and how well they can communicate with each other. You can also figure out things like how they defend themselves from carnivorous creatures, where they slept, what they looked like and if there were any other species of early humans living in the same territory. During ceremonies  or group meetings they might be talking about other early humans and what they think they are. They might have drawn pictures of them on the wall explaining what they are.

I got this information from my history book
History Alive! The Ancient World

And I got some from a movie
Search for the Ultimate Survivor

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