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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

City Connections

1) What you believe you did well on the project?
I think that on this project I did well by staying on topic for most of my presentation. I think I did well by not talking too much about all the many places that invaded Jakarta. I think I did well on this because for most presentations I make I end up completely off topic. Something else I think I did well on was that I think most of my information was accurate and in order. I think I did a good job on this because I often have my information in a strange order and sometimes some sentences have been mushed together. I think that I did well on these things.
2) What you would improve for future presentations/projects?

I think that for future projects I should practice enough so that I have almost memorized and I feel comfortable enough to present . I think I need to practice more because when my name was called I immediately got nervous and started to worry if something went wrong. I also think that something else I should improve in for future projects is that I should also remember to note down my citations and I should also get a bit more recent facts if we are doing something that happened some time ago. I need to remember to note down my citations because I often remember AFTER most of the project is done and then I have to go and look for the cite I got my information from(it takes a very long time). I think I should get some more recent facts because only the day before the presentation was done did I realize that I had the wrong information. This is what I think I need to improve in for future projects.
3) What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?

Some things that I learned from my presentation about Jakarta are that Jakarta developed mainly because of a few things; the ability to trade, the convenient location and the natural resources. Jakarta had a really convenient location, Jakarta was in the middle of a popular trade route so, like Malacca, many ships would stop in Jakarta and often trade things such as spices and rice that were gron in Jakarta. Jakarta could grow this type of things because of it's good climate and fertile soil. I also learned a few things while watching other peoples presentations. I think that the people who got to perform on the first 2 days did better because they had really practiced, I think that after that people started getting tired of practicing and soon forgot about their presentation. The people who performed after the first couple days without notecards messed up in a few places and they weren't very fluent. I think that we should have a time limit with the powerpoint and an exact daye that we present so that nothing like this happens.
4) What is your analysis of your performance?

I think it was good all together, even though the presentation needs some improvement. I think that my presentation was interesting my information made some people interested. I think I put in all the required things and a lot of hard work. I am happy with my finished product and think that I did a good job.

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