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Black Beauty
Pride and Prejudice
Little House in the Big Woods
King of the Wind: The Story of the Godolphin Arabian
Old Yeller
The Luckiest Girl
Where the Red Fern Grows
A Wrinkle in Time
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
Good Night, Mr. Tom
War Horse
Dear Mr. Henshaw
All About Sam
Number the Stars
Absolutely Normal Chaos
The Giver
Walk Two Moons
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Learning Profile

       I learn best when I can do it on my own or have seen somebody else do it. This helps me because if I can see it happen I remember much better because I always remember a picture, if anyone says something, most of the times I forget. When my teachers are teaching me about things, I find it easier to follow when they are also drawing a picture on the board. I find it easy to learn from short movies and videos because I can see what I need to do. I think that I learn best when I can see or actually do what I need to on my own.

        I need to sit so that both my eyes and both my ears are facing the speaker in order for me to learn properly. I need to be facing the speaker because if I am not I get distracted by any object near me. I need somethng to figit with sometimes so that I can keep on paying attention and so I do not go to planet daydream.  I need to have a deadline and a bunch of rules and everything written down in order for me to get things correct. These are some things that I need in order to learn best.

       The strategies that would help me in my learning are to be able to write down some notes when the teacher is talking because I find it much easier to learn if I can go over the important details a few times. Another strategy would be moving my seat to where I can see the teacher clearly with both my eyes and ears. This would help because I learn better by being able to focus properly. A strategy that would also help me learn would be doing it. For example: Instead of somebody telling me that 2 + 2 = 4 or seeing somebody solve it, I solve it my self so that way I cannot forget how to add 2 and 2 together. I think that these are strategies that will help me learn.

        I would like my teachers to know that I am not a logical person and that the left side of my body (except for my hand) works better than the right. (The right side works good too becuse I am right handed). I think that it is important for my teachers to know this because if the right side of me is facing the front of the room, the teacher usually would not have my full attention. Another thing I would like my teachers to know about me is that I find it hard to sit still and concentrate for a long time; even if I have something to figit with. I find it easier to learn if after a while we can get out of our seats and even just walk around the classroom for half a minute.


  1. Hi! This really helps me understand you as a person a lot better! I never knew some of this stuff about you. Great post (not saying your name for reasons.) !!!!!


  2. Hey! This is exactly like me! I like to sit in-front facing the teacher, I like to hold something in my hand while the teacher is talking, and that I like to take notes. What's your profile? Maybe we have similar ones :)
    But anyway... Great Job! Every paragraph was not too short or too long! It was perfect! :D
