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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Don't Close Our Houses of Adventure

Once upon a time there was a book, and in the book there was a nest, and in the nest there was an egg, and in the egg there was a dragon, and in the dragon there was a story...

Imagine life without ever reading a single book, not a single story. Libraries are an important part of life, even though most people don't realize that. If one public library was shut down, a few hundred people wouldn't have any place to go if they wanted to read free books. If ten libraries shut down, thousands of people wouldn't have free access to information. Imagine if every public library shut down, nobody will have free access to so much information.

People everyday use libraries for education, work and reading. If you shut down one public library a hundred kids wouldn't have a place to finish their homework, or do research for school projects. A few hundred adults wouldn't have a quiet place to go and get their work done, or research things for their work purposes. Mothers wont have a free place to get books to read their children, and children wont have a place to get stories to read to themselves. Libraries are such an important place to so many people's lives. People who don't have access to a computer depend on libraries to learn more, and people who can't buy EVERY book they want to read rely on the libraries to provide books for them.

A library isn't just a building full of books, and books aren't just pages of random words. A library is a room full of adventures. There is an adventure in every book, there are books that change lives, find you another way of seeing life. As Edward. P. Morgan once quoted "A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fearing it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy. When you open a book, you aren't opening up a bunch of paper binded together, you are starting a new journey, a journey that could change your whole life.

In the libraries in Edinburgh, there were mysterious paper sculptures made out of books. It started with a 'poetree' in the Scottish Poetry Library. A mystery person left this on the table, with a note.... We know that a library is so much more than a building full of books... a book is so much more than pages full of words... This is for you in support of libraries, books, words, ideas…
More of these anonymous mystery sculptures appeared in libraries all over scotland. In August 2011 two more appeared at the Edinburgh National Book Festival; a cup of tea, and a cupcake. There was another note left with them. ...nothing beats a nice cup of tea and a good BOOK, except maybe cake as well...
This anonymous person is definitely a book addict and a library lover. If he/she can care so much as to make these amazing sculptures then there MUST be a very good reason why libraries shouldn't be shut down

A library is an adventure house, it provides people a quiet place to focus and work, educate themselves, have access to internet and brilliant stories. If public libraries around the world began shutting down, people wouldn't have access to so many things. Books have taught people so many things, that if they didn't read their life would be different. Books have opened people's eyes and helped them find a new outlook on life. Books have encouraged people to live every day to the fullest and make their dreams come true. We need our buildings full of books, without libraries, life wouldn't be the same.

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